The first stage of therapy is to carry out a comprehensive psychological assessment to identify the nature of your difficulty, where it stems from and what is keeping you stuck.
Depending on your individual goals and psychological needs, Hazel offers both:
- Short Term – Cognitive Behaviour Therapy
- Longer Term – Schema Therapy
Hazel has experience in successfully treating the following list of emotional problems:
- Anxiety (including Agoraphobia, Panic, Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, Generalised Anxiety, Posttraumatic Stress Disorder)
- Depression
- Worry and/or Pessimism
- Low self esteem (including self-criticism and/or perfectionism)
- Anger problems
- Childhood abuse
- Bereavement and loss
- Trauma
- Self harm
- Relationship difficulties
- Stress
- Emotional impact of fertility difficulties
- Work-related problems
- Sleep disturbance
- Physical health problems
- Drug or alcohol problems (and other addictions)
Contact Hazel for further information on how she can help: or 07779 619846 .